Micropolitics of armed groups (completed).
01 January 2001 - 31 December 2008
Research Team:
Prof. Dr. Klaus Schlichte (Head of project)
Daria Isachenko
Teresa Koloma Beck
Stefan Malthaner
Astrid Nissen
Katrin Radtke
Jargo Salmon
Dr. Alex Veit
Since the end of World War Two, the majority of major armed conflicts in the world have been predominantly intra-state conflicts. However, until recently, political science has not paid much attention to non-state war actors. This Young Scholar Research Group, active between 2001 and 2008, has used extensive field research in Sri Lanka, Eritrea, Moldova, Cyprus, Lebanon, Egypt, Angola, DR Congo, Uganda, Serbia, El Salvador and Nicaragua to learn more about the processes of formation of such groups, their organizational life, and their political fates. While the different contexts lead to a lot of variation, a number of general patterns could be found. Non-state war actors emerge during socio-economic crises, usually out of opposition groups which are violently repressed. The political life of these groups revolves around the contradiction between the need for political recognition and the de-legitimizing effects of their violent actions. Furthermore, non-state armed groups are not really the opposite of the state: states are the main production sites for violence expertise, they are often supported by neighboring states, and succesful armed groups turn into state actors. (Cf. Extended report, available only in German)
David Keen (LSE)
Roland Marchal, (CERI, Paris)
Marina Blagojevic (Belgrad)
Peter Waldmann (Augsburg)
Young Scholar Group-Programme, Volkswagen-Foundation, Hanover
01 January 2001 - 31 December 2008
Research Team:
Prof. Dr. Klaus Schlichte (Head of project)
Daria Isachenko
Teresa Koloma Beck
Stefan Malthaner
Astrid Nissen
Katrin Radtke
Jargo Salmon
Dr. Alex Veit
Project Type:
Third party project
Veit, Alex, 2010: Intervention as Indirect Rule. Civil War and Statebuilding in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Micropolitics of Violence, Frankfurt: Campus
Schlichte, Klaus, 2009: In the Shadow of Violence. The Politics of Armed Groups, Frankfurt a.M. und Chicago, Ill.: Campus und Chicago University Press
Journal Articles reviewed
Münch, Philipp; Veit, Alex, 2018: Intermediaries of Intervention: How Local Power Brokers Shape External Peace- and State-Building in Afghanistan and Congo, in: International Peacekeeping, 25 (2), pp. 266 - 292, doi:doi.org/10.1080/13533312.2017.14, 07.12.2017, Link (Date: 12.07.2018)
Schlichte, Klaus, 2012: The Limits of Armed Contestation. Power and Domination in Armed Groups, in: Geoforum, 43 (4), pp. 716 - 724
Journal Articles
Veit, Alex, 2012: Die Grenzen liberaler Intervention: Intermediäre Herrschaft in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, in: Comparativ. Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung, 22 (3), pp. 65 - 78
Articles in Edited Volume
Veit, Alex; Schlichte, Klaus, 2012: Three Arenas: The Conflictive Logic of External Statebuilding, in: Berit Bliesemann de Guevara (Ed.), Statebuilding and State-Formation. The Political Sociology of Intervention, London: Routledge, pp. 167 - 181
Veit, Alex; Schlichte, Klaus, 2011: Gewalt und Erzählung. Zur Legitimierung bewaffneter Gruppen, in: Ferhadbegovic, Sabina; Weiffen, Brigitte (Ed.), Bürgerkriege erzählen. Zum Verlauf unziviler Konflikte, Paderborn: Konstanz University Press, pp. 153 - 176
Schlichte, Klaus; Veit, Alex, 2010: Drei Arenen: Warum Staatsbildung von außen so schwierig ist, in: Bonacker, Thorsten; Daxner, Michael; Free, Jan; Zürcher, Christoph (Ed.), Interventionskultur. Zur Soziologie von Interventionsgesellschaften, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 261 - 268, Download PDF
Veit, Alex; Schlichte, Klaus, 2009: Verkoppelte Arenen: Wieso scheitern State-Builder?, in: Dingwerth, Klaus; Kerwer, Dieter; Nölke, Andreas (Ed.), Die Organisierte Welt. Internationale Beziehungen und Organisationsforschung, Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 96 - 116, Download PDF
Working Paper/Discussion Paper
Schlichte, Klaus; Veit, Alex, 2007: Coupled Arenas: Why State-Building Is So Difficult, Working Papers Micropolitics No.3/2007, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Download PDF